

First, we talked and saw many international weddings and compared them with Japan. Please answer the following questions in your blog:

Since Japanese weddings are expensive, do you think having a massive wedding like Korea or UAE is a good idea? Eloping? Having it in a foreign location like Hawaii?What is your ideal wedding? What would you definitely do or wear or go to on that big day? Why is that important?

I have no preference. So I think good that people are give their blessing to my marriage. If my parents object about my wedding, I talk them into marrying till they agree. It's my ideal wedding. And I want to wear some dresses. For example, the pure white dress, the pink that is my favorite color dress and the white kimono. The marrying is in my life and I want to get satisfaction about wedding. It's important thing to get marry for me because the marrying is first event with someone for life.




We talked about many superstitions in many countries,
but do you think it is important to talk about them? Why?Is communication affected by superstitions?
Do you believe in Japanese superstitions? If so, what superstitions, what do they mean and why do you do,use, or believe in them?

I talked about German superstitions last time. It's similar superstitions between Germany and Japan. German seem to believe some superstitions. But, I don't think it's important to talk it. It's good to talk on the boards and it's not good to die hard about supestitions. So I don't think good to come too much under the influence of superstitions.

Next, I believe in Japanese superstitions. For Example, when I see a hearse, I clench my fusts tightly to hide my thumbs. If I don't hide my thumbs, I'm with my parents when they pass away. I can't accept this supestition. But I think in case of emergency and I'll hide my thumbs.