
Lesson 7 Names and Addresses

1.Are feelings emotions and facial expressions universal across borders, happy, sad, etc..?
In my opinion, it's different how to put each feelings each countries. Foreigner think Japanese are a poor hand at verbalizing their emotions but I don't think so. Japanese are so shy and they can't put their feelings and fascal expressions when they meet for the first time. Consequently, they are good at putting their feelings when they become close.

2. Try to name as many feelings as possible in Japanese. ( 10 minimum) Now write the English translation.

楽しい→happy amusing blithe enjoyable
気楽→comfortable familiar homelike homey
面倒→annoying messy feisty
眠い→sleepy drowsy
心細い→insecure lonely lonesome
心地よい→agreeable comfortable congenial cozy
不愉快→bile rudeness unpleasantness
満足→content contentedness
憂鬱→blues dismal mood dump
もどかしい→frustrating irritating
切ない→agonizing painful
恥ずかしい→ashamed disgraceful embarrassed
恐ろしい→appalling awesome dire

3. Are there any feelings in Japanese that cannot be translated into English?
ウザい 全然( use in a good sense)

Welcome Colgate University Students!

I met Colgate University Students and I talked with a guy who is 19 years old. I asked some guestions to him. I was surprised at his answers every time. One of the thing that I was impressed by talking with him was a episode since we were children. In Japan, we go to bed with our familiy when we were children. We usually say "we bed like chinese logo of river."(川の字で寝る) I think it's not out of the way but he never have beded with his family. When I know that thing, I can't swallow. I realized that it's suffered culture to live in another coutry.


Class5# Greeting

a) How do people greet someone they've just met?
I usually say "Hi" or "Hello."

b)How do you greet members of your family?
I use "Good morning" and "Good night."

c) Do you hug members of your family?
No, I don't hug my family as greeting but I sometimes hug my mother without excuse.

d)How do you greet people who are important in society?
It's good that I greet and bow deeply with people because I leave a good impression on them.

e) Do you greet people of the opposite sex in a different way?
No, I don't. I don't need to change the way of greeting as sex.

f) Are the customs the same all over your country?
Yes, I think so.

Class#4 World Religion

How do you greet people in your life? Is is different for different people? How so and why? Do you touch people when you talk to them? Why? Or Why not?

I think it's important for people because we can become friendly with strangers. So I try to bow in salutation when we walk past people on the street. It's one of greeting in Japan. Also I change to greet for each persons. For example, when I meet with my friends, I say "おはよう." However, if I come contact with my teacher, I say "おはようございます." In Japan, we have to respect our elders and we need to choose fitting words for the occasion. Then, I touch my friend and talk with them when I get drunk. I don't know why I touch them but it's more than probable that I feel sad without warmth of someone's skin.

Class#2 Buddhism

1. How is your daily life affected by Buddhism? What do you do and why do you do it?

No, my daily life is not affected by Buddhism. My family don't believe in any religions and I'm not interested in it. Also I don't know rules of each religions but I believe the existence of God. Because I think there is a creator on the earth. So I pray to God for help and I draw a fortune slip.

I read this article and it's written about education. It said that students learn about the global enviroment and the peace education and they should master cross culture communication. In my opinion, we need to know more international situation affairs and Japanese should be interented in foreign countries.